Lions Club Peace Poster Winners 2020

Order a peace poster contest kit.
Lions club peace poster winners 2020. Lions international peace poster contest 2020 2021 peace through service the lions international peace poster contest is one of many lions clubs international youth programs that aim to provide opportunities for self development education contribution and achievement for young people. To sponsor the peace poster contest lions clubs can order a contest kit from january 15 to october 1. It was great to see attendance by peace poster finalist participants and their families school and lions club representatives including past district governor laurie cooper and his wife claudia for our district final judging event there were over three hundred participants peace posters that were judged from the six schools that participated in our district 201v5 peace poster contest. Peace poster contest visit the australian galleries here.
Zhuo zhang 12 years old china. Gaelle petraki bechalani 11 years old canada. Posters advance through several judging levels. To find out more contact your local lions club or visit the 6 steps below.
The two judges elena churilova and olivia mogg selected the winner daniel spiryagin commenting that his entry clearly depicted this theme. Kits for the 2020 21 peace poster contest will be available from lions australia store from february 2020. The kit is available in 12 of our official languages. Daniel s entry will now go the md judging.
Local district state and then finally to the international level. Official club contest guide and rules. 2019 2020 peace poster contest winners. At the international level judges from the artistic communities select one grand prize winner who will receive 5 000 and a trip to the lions clubs international convention in singapore.
For over three decades lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups. Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity. Sponsored by montreal cedres du liban lions club 2019 20 merit award winner. More information about peace.
A kit is needed for each contest sponsored. Click on the link below to visit the members forum and check the directory of clubs and officers for 2019 2020. Sponsored by city of liverpool lions club district cn journey of peace. This art contest for kids encourages young people worldwide to express their visions of peace to celebrate our 30th anniversary we have an updated look and encourage every lions club to engage with the youth in their community to sponsor a peace poster contest entry the theme of the 2017 2018 peace poster contest is the future of peace.
Each year since 1988 lions clubs around the world proudly sponsor the lions clubs international peace poster contest in local schools and youth groups encouraging young people to artistically express their vision of peace as well as. Any changes should be notified to your club secretary and mdhq. 2019 20 grand prize winner.